Monday, 3 August 2015


Whenever anyone asks what is the most typical Venezuela food, the answer is AREPAS. There´s several articles that put it first on the list of best breakfasts around the world. I don't know if it´s true but I wouldn't be surprised! Arepa is very easy to make, is cheap,  is versatile and also addictive. Paddy loved it and because arepas are GLUTEN FREE and DAIRY FREE he always eats them. He's become an expert making them, even the shape of his arepa is perfect! You can eat arepas any time of the day! I promise, you´ll be addicted too if you try it.

The recipe is super easy, you just need a packet of this beautiful flour ( you can usually find it in Asian or Middle Eastern shops in Dublin) and you are ready to be happy!


for 4 people

2 cups of PAN flower
1/2 tsp of salt

for the filling:

Butter for spreading
Black and white pudding

(you can use everything you can think of, but we tried to make a Venezuelan-Irish fusion)


Place the water in a bowl and add a tsp of salt, add the flour slowly while mixing with your hands,
until the mix is soft  and slightly sticky (a texture that you can shape without it falling apart).
Turn on your grill to medium heat and heat up a frying pan.

Now going back to the mix,  make a ball with both hands and  press it into a thick disc like in the picture. Put some oil on the pan and place the arepas, Let it cook until it gets brown and flip it over to cook the other side.

Cut the Arepas in half and fill it with butter and add all you want to.. Ham, cheese, tuna, scrambled eggs, meat, chicken etc.

                                           Now the Joy



  • Try to make a soft mix, add more water if needed or more flour if need to thicken. (the first time is a challenge but you find your way
  • Most people in Venezuela use this milk sauce name "suero" that is not available in Ireland but i found a way to replace it:g reek yogurt from Lidl and 2 pinch of salt mix it and use it as a dip for your arepas
  • We usually put them in the oven to make it crispy,  if you don't want to use the oven, put a little bit more of oil before cooking.

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