Ingredients (for 15 tequeños)
1 1/2 cups of all purpose flour
1 tsp of salt
1 egg
1 Tbsp of vegetable oil
1/3 cup of water
200g Greek/feta cheese
200g Greek/feta cheese
Vegetable oil for frying
For the dip
2 Tbsp of mayonnaise
2 garlic gloves
1) Cut the cheese into thin slices.
2) Mix the salt and flour and place it like a volcano shape on the kitchen surface. Make a hole in the center and add the egg and the Tbsp of oil. Mix together with your hands.
3) Incorporate the water slowly until the consistence of the mix becomes soft and flexible, and isn't sticky (don´t use all the water if it is not necessary).
4) Place the dough on a floury surface and roll out until you get a thin, big square. Cut the edges first and then cut the square into strips . Wrap the dough around each slice of cheese (like in the video).
5) In a sauce pan, add enough oil to cover the tequeños, and when hot, place the tequeños and cook until they are golden brown.
6) Put them on a paper towel or a servillete to absorb the extra oil.
Dip Preparation
Finely dice the garlic and the chives and mix with the mayo.
1) With a bit of water in your fingers, close all the spaces between layers to keep the cheeses inside while frying.
2) Place the tequeños in the freezer until it's time to serve.
It is the first time for me making this dish. I have almost no experience in wrapping the cheese but if I managed to do it, so will you.
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